Only Yesterday, BK9
Fourteen nostalgic cross stitch designs for the home featuring children, clowns, babies, home and more:
Boy with Goat (and overturned bucket of apples) (98w x 90h Stitches)
Girl with Geese (feeding time) (99w x 77h Stitches)
Clown and Boy (sitting on park bench with ice cream cone and umbrella) (120w x 111h Stitches)
Home… Grumble (sampler style deisgn with the saying, “Home… The place where we grumble the most and are treated the best”) (90w x 87h Stitches)
A Smile (three birds singing at open window with flower box featuring the saying, “A smile is a light in the window of your face to show your heart is at home”) (96w x 93h Stitches)
Boy with Balloons (little boy with teddy bear holding bunch of balloons with the saying, “A son is a joy bringer, a heart warmer, a memory maker: a son is love” with space for personalization) (91w x 90h Stitches)
Love Spoken Here (sampler style sign that reads, “Love Spoken Here”) (77w x 69h Stitches)
Friends Come In All Ages (old man sitting on crate whittling while a young boy sits next to him watching, with the words) (91w x 105h Stitches)
Girl with Balloons (little girl with teddy bear holding bunch of balloons with the saying, “A daughter is a joy bringer, a heart warmer, a memory maker: a daughter is love” with space for personalization) (93w x 87h Stitches)
The Very Best Place (circular design with sampler-style house motifs and heart flowers with the saying, “The very best place to be is in a loving family”) (88w x 86h Stitches)
The More I Encourage (little bear bringing heart to mother bear holding two other bear children with the saying, “The more I encourage my child to think for himself, the more he will care what I think”) (97w x 91h Stitches)
Welcome (the words “Welcome to our Home” with a roly-poly couple) (90w x 90h Stitches)
Sweet Little Baby (baby and teddy in rocking cradle with night sky visible in window in background with the saying “Sweet little baby waking, sleeping. May you be safe within God’s keeping” with space for personalization) (85w x 96h Stitches)
Simple Pleasures (boy in sailor suit pulling kite and wagon with Scottie Dog and the words, “Simple pleasures are life’s treasures”) (101w x 92h Stitches)
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