Cross Stitch for the Gardener’s Soul, BK306
Delightful sayings from the Chicken Soup for the Soul collection are featured in 13 cross stitch designs created especially for the gardener:
More in a Garden Grows (“…than what the gardener sowsSpanish Proverb” sampler) (67w x 93h Stitches)
Proof of Love (roses encircle the verse “The best proof of love is trustDr Joyce Brothers” originally designed for a 5″ round Broider Box) (64w x 65h)
In the Heart Forever (heart-shaped flowers surround the verse “What one loves in childhood stays in the heart foreverMary Jo Putney” originally stitched on a 10ct cream Tula banner and displayed on a 16″ Flower Garden fabric holder) (130w x 100h Stitches)
Mom Said (the verse “‘Man doesn’t make the garden; the garden makes the man,’ Mom said. ‘Every gardener shares with other, because the earth gives to us, and we should give in return.’Dyann Andersen” accented with a checkerboard border at the top, half a sunflower blossom at the bottom, and strawberries and vines along the sides) (103w x 73h Stitches)
It’s a Cinch Ruler (inchworms, butterflies, bees and ladybugs border the words, “Yard by yard it’s too hardinch by inch it’s a cinch” originally designed for a Stitch-a-Ruler) (142w x 16h Stitches)
The Love We Give Away (“… Is the only love we keepElbert Hubbard” accented with butterflies, hearts and flower buds originally designed for a Flower Planter) (140w x 43h Stitches)
Fragrance of the Rose (sampler style rose border frames the verse “The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives the roseHeda Bejar”) (74w x 120h Stitches)
Patience (small cross stitch design divided into sections that can be stitched together or separately: carrots, checkerboard pattern, floral border, and a section featuring the verse, “I learned patience from plants. You can’t hurry a carrot.James P. Glaser”) (85w x 57h Stitches complete)
Planting Days (Sampler style with excerpt by Beth Pollack, age 16, “Our annual planting was not about kneeling in the dirt, throwing in some seeds and hoping for the best. It was about kneeling together, planting potential life and creating the best memories possible out of those moments together.”) (100w x 152h Stitches)
Garden Care (angels dressed like gardeners, carrying watering cans, flank a quilt block below the words, “We who grow plants like to think of ourselves as guiding and caring for their lives. But now it’s obvious to me, more than it ever was before, that we ourselves are being guided and cared for, as well.Lon J Rombough”) (110w x 126h Stitches)
Inch by Inch Bookmark (similar to ruler mentioned above but designed vertically for a bookmark instead) (30w x 90h Stitches)
I Live in the Garden (“… I just sleep in the houseJim Long” surrounded by vines, flowers and buttons with a checkerboard base) (86w x 97h Stitches)
Planting Hope (Pine Tree II Quilt Block) (quilt block pattern surrounded by vines and flowers and the saying, “He who plants a tree, plants hopeLucy Larcom”) (57w x 58h Stitches)
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